Enhance YouTube experiences with Opera

As a release of Opera 11, one most interesting feature that finally comes to Opera is “Extensions”. As you have seen in other major browsers, extensions can extend a lot of features to browser for better browsing experiences.

Some of you might be familiar with the use of UserJS to enhance browsing
experience on Opera. Today, extension makes it easier.

Let’s imagine that you’re in your room, in front of your computer, and
then your mom shouts from downstairs “Hey! My dear. You better be in bed
now or I’ll come up there in five minute!” But sadly, you’re enjoying some videos on YouTube! What’s next? You turn off the light and continue enjoying YouTube, pressing keyboard as quietly as possible. you’ll think your lovely mom won’t know you’re still up! (You’re so cunning!)

After awhile, you’ll suffer eye strain. Your eyes will dry out and start
dropping some tears! You might end up getting myopia (and that’s crap).

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